O'Reilly Programming Newsletter

Highlights from the O'Reilly Fluent Conference

Watch highlights covering frontend tools and techniques, performance, web apps, and more. From the O'Reilly Fluent Conference in San Jose 2017.

Kotlin/Native 0.3 adds Windows support

Nikolay Igotti delivers word of Kotlin/Native 0.3's availability. Notable improvements include: Windows now supported as compilation host and execution target; Android execution target with native activities; and the new .klib library format, which is intended to be the default distribution format for Kotlin/Native libraries.

Reforming your world: Augmented reality and virtual reality

Augmented reality alters the way you experience the physical world, while virtual reality takes you to places you never thought you'd be, to put it simply. Both of these perceptual mechanisms are poised to change every aspect of the world as we know it, from gaming to medicine, engineering to law enforcement. Explore the impact these transformative technologies will have on our lives or dive in and start using the tools and techniques yourself—with AR/VR resources on Safari.
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Improve your ability to estimate software projects

Rumen Manev covers the importance of software project estimation and reviews the half-dozen or so activities that should be included in any estimation.

Level up at Software Architecture in London

Immerse yourself in two days of in-depth education on critical topics including threat modeling, building serverless AWS applications, and understanding microservices architecture. The training courses are limited in size to maintain a high level of learning and instructor interaction, so they do sell out. Check out this year's courses and register soon to save your spot.
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In collaboration with General Electric

How developers conquered the world

If IT decision makers aren't making the decisions any longer, who is calling the shots? The answer is developers. Developers are the most important constituency in technology. They have the power to make or break businesses, whether by their preferences, their passions, or their own products.

The New Kingmakers is first about helping you understand this shift and its origins and second about offering suggestions about how to navigate the changed landscape. Developers are now the real decision makers in technology. Learning how to best negotiate with these new kingmakers, therefore, could mean the difference between success and failure.
Grab your copy now →

Visual Studio Code gets an ARM port

Paul Krill covers the community effort behind porting Microsoft's Visual Studio Code editor to ARM, allowing the open source editor to be run on Chromebooks and Raspberry Pi hardware.

Defensive security fundamentals

We talk with Amanda Berlin about how to approach asset management, improve user education, and strengthen your organization's defensive security with limited time and resources.

Accessible hybrid quantum/classical computing

Rigetti Computing's hybrid quantum/classical computing approach takes advantage of nimble fabrication techniques yielding multi-qubit processors and its recently announced Forest programming and execution environment. Forest 1.0 includes pyQuil, an open source set of Python tools for building and running programs in Quil, the first instruction language for hybrid quantum/classical computing.

Erlang/OTP 20.0

The 20.0 release of Erlang/OTP delivers a significant update that includes dirty schedulers, experimental DTLS support, and literals that are no longer copied when sending messages.

+ Related: Designing for Scalability with Erlang/OTP

tail -f /dev/newsletter

The FCC wants to destroy net neutrality and give big cable companies control over what we see and do online. If they get their way, they'll allow widespread throttling, blocking, censorship, and extra fees. On July 12th, the Internet will come together to stop them.

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